About Us

Situated in the heart of Kathmandu, Brihaspati Vidyasadan (BVS) holds the distinction of being one of the country’s top ranking schools. For the past 41 years, we have consistently delivered high academic standards while offering a conducive environment to ensure the overall well-being of our students.

At Brihaspati, there is a balanced emphasis on academics and extracurricular activities such as sports, music, arts etc. Our commitment is to support student learning with the care and guidance they need on every platform. Brihaspati provides its students an excellent infrastructure and a highly experienced and qualified team of teachers and coordinators.


Years of Excellence


Teaching Staff


Non Teaching Staff


BVS Plus 2 Students


Grade 1-10 Students


Imparting quality education and nurturing human values.


We explore the potential of individual students and promote excellence in all walks of life.


Understand and connect: Students participate actively in things that matter to them. By being engaged, they understand the context and issues more effectively, thereby venturing into responsible actions.


Honor others and self: Students know and accept who they are as they are. With this self-esteem, they respect the diversity around them. They know to appreciate differences while seeking a congenial solution.


Honest and ethical in all interactions: Students say what they do and do what they say, not anything otherwise. They have a sense of regulating themselves whether or not they are being supervised. Ethics is at the core of what they do.

Student Centric

Student first approach in everything we do: Everything that’s thought for and done at school is primarily for the sake of students. Students have a sense of not only their intellectual mind but also several other facets of them such as creativity, technological skills, communication, etiquette, social skills, sports, arts, music, leadership etc most aspects of which they work to develop for themselves and support others in developing the same.


Promote human values among us all: Students have a sense of compassion and extend their responsibility to a larger community. They seek welfare of humans by their service attitude.