Grades 1 to 10

School curriculum is based on empowerment and is focused on improving the skills needed for successful academic achievement. Pupils are encouraged to become independent learners right from the beginning. Our curriculum supports each student’s extended learning and personal development. We lay high emphasis on reading as an academic skill and resilience as a behavior set. To flourish in a rapidly changing world, young people need confidence, resilience, and ample opportunities to take initiatives.

Junior School

At Brihaspati, Junior school students are encouraged to become independent learners right from the beginning. The curriculum supports each student’s extended learning and personal development. We provide high emphasis on reading as an academic skill and resilience as a behavior set.

Middle School (4-7)

The Middle School at Brihaspati is designed as a bridge between the creativity and exploration of the early years and the academic rigor required in the later years. It encompasses an ample number of extra- and co-curricular activities for students. Teachers in the middle grades prioritize the socio-emotional well-being of their students from as early as the planning stage, and work to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for them, working together with other school staff and parents whenever needed.

Secondary School (8-10)

The Secondary School at Brihaspati takes pride in upholding the highest academic standards while simultaneously encouraging students to develop their skills beyond the classroom. The state-of-the-art labs for our Science and STEM programs allow students to convert theoretical ideas into practical lessons.