BVS Inter-House Chess Competition Results:
Junior Girls:
1st: Swarah Thapa, 6E, Yellow House
2nd: Riyana Karmacharya, 7A, Yellow House
3rd: Shivangi Shah, 6E, Blue House
Junior Boys:
1st: Pramshu Dhakal, 7C, Red House
2nd: Prajesh Poudel, 7A, Red House
3rd: Liam Chakradhar, 6B, Blue House
3rd: Aahan Jung Malla, 7C, Red House
Senior Girls:
1st: Bisheshta Chaudhary, 10D, Blue House
2nd: Reyna Shrestha, 10D, Yellow House
Senior Boys:
1st: Arhant Maharjan, 8B, Red House
2nd: Ritvik Shrestha, 9C, Yellow House
3rd: Jaynil Manandhar, 10C, Yellow House
Congratulations to all the winners and participants!